For donations of goods or services

On-line donation HERE to donate goods or services.

Donation Ideas

Local Restaurants & Cafés: Gift cards or dining experiences 
Hotels & Vacation Rentals: Weekend stays or packages 
Spas & Salons: Spa treatments or gift certificates
Sports Teams: Tickets or memorabilia 
Retail Stores: Gift cards or merchandise baskets 
Fitness Studios: Class packages or memberships
Activity Centers: Passes for kids’ activities or lessons
Service Providers: Photography, landscaping, or cleaning services
Wineries/Breweries: Tasting events or gift sets
Unique experiences or services

Pdf donation form to donate goods or services. Email it to or or drop it off at the school.


Businesses and families can sponsor the event and help cover costs while gaining recognition in the community.  Sponsorships/Donations: HERE

The Maple Hills PTA is a non-profit organization

Download the Maple Hills PTA 501(c)(3) letter